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ಚಿತ್ರ:Human physiology (1913) (14779552822).jpg

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ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯದಿಂದ, ಇದು ಮುಕ್ತ ಹಾಗೂ ಸ್ವತಂತ್ರ ವಿಶ್ವಕೋಶ

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Identifier: humanphysiology02luci (find matches)
Title: Human physiology
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Authors: Luciani, Luigi, 1842- Welby, Frances A. (Frances Alice) Camis, Marie Holmes, Gordon, Sir, 1876-1965 Pembrey, M. S. (Marcus Seymour), 1868-1934
Subjects: Physiology
Publisher: London : Macmillan and Co.
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library

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exus. Theafferent paths leading directly or indirectly to these centres havenot been exactly determined, but must, as we shall see, be verynumerous. Excitation of the median part of the sulcus cruciatus ofthe cerebral cortex causes a slight dilatation of the cardiaassociated with the contraction of the pylorus. It thereforecontains two centres which have an antagonistic action, probablybecause they produce the contraction of the longitudinal musclefibres, which predominate at the cardiac orifice, and of the circularfibres, which constitute the pyloric sphincter. The efferent pathsfor these two centres run exclusively with the vagus nerves. The caudate and lenticular nuclei contain more important in DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH AND STOMACH 199 centres which act iu the same way and with more effect, on bothcardia and pylorus, causing the former to dilate, and moderatingthe movements of the latter, without, however, causing it to open.The efferent paths from these centres also run in the vagi.
Text Appearing After Image:
FIG. 60.—Diagram of nerves and nerve centres that regulate movements of stomach. (Openehovvski.) , bruin ; I, stomach ; MO, medulla oblongata ; MS, spinal cord ; 5-10, level of correspondingdorsal vertebrae ; VSR, trunk of right vagus ; FS, trunk of left vagus ; XD, dilator nerve ofcardia ; NC, constrictor nerves ; r, plexus of Auerbach ; G, gangliadescribed by Openchowski;S, S, tibres from sympathetic plexus, which are in relation with Auerbachs plexus. 1, Sulcuscrnciatus ; 2, corpus striatnm ; 3, corpora quadrigemina; A, nucleus of vagus ; o, olive ; 4, 4,spinal centres for orifice of cardia. The black lines represent the nerves to the cardia ; tin-broken lines the nerves to the pylorus ; the broken and dotted lines the nerves to the fundusand body of stomach. The principal cerebral centres for the movements of thestomach lie in the posterior corpora quadrigemina, which influencenot merely the cardia and the pylorus, but also the entire body ofthe stomach. Excitation of these prod

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