This template may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion as a dependent page of a page which does not exist, has been deleted, or is itself currently tagged for speedy deletion. This does not include pages which are useful to the project such as user talk pages, talk page archives, information for a future article, etc. See CSD G8.
If this template does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. If you created this page and you disagree with the given reason for deletion, you can click the button below and leave a message explaining why you believe it should not be deleted. You can also visit the talk page to check if you have received a response to your message. Note that this template may be deleted at any time if it unquestionably meets the speedy deletion criteria, or if an explanation posted to the talk page is found to be insufficient. Note to page author: you have not edited the talk page yet. If you wish to contest this speedy deletion, clicking the button above will allow you to leave a talk page message explaining why you think this template should not be deleted. If you have already posted to the talk page but this message is still showing up, try purging the page cache. {{Db-talk}} , {{Db-subpage}} , {{Db-imagepage}} , {{Db-redirnone}} or {{Db-templatecat}} where possible.Administrators: check links, talk, history (last), and logs before deletion. Consider checking Google. This page was last edited by MalnadachBot (contribs | logs) at ೧೭:೪೯, ೧ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ ೨೦೨೧ (UTC) (110569607 ಸೆಕೆಂಡು ಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ) |
Speedy deletion templates |
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This template is used to tag pages for speedy deletion under the speedy deletion criteria, specifically CSD G8. There is a separate template for each criterion – see the table to the right.
This template places the page into the category: Candidates for speedy deletion.
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]The template should be placed at the top of the page to be deleted.
- This is the most basic form of the template.
- Bot accounts will specify the
parameter to notify the reviewing admin that the page was tagged by an automated process.
- If the current date is passed to the template using five tildes, the template will incorporate a delay, and only list the page in ವರ್ಗ:Candidates for speedy deletion after seven days. Consider doing this if the talk page has been recently edited, as there may be useful discussions ongoing there.