ಟೆಂಪ್ಲೇಟು:TV.com episodes
List of {{{title}}} episodes at TV.com
TV.com ID (P2638) (see uses)
This is a template to generate links to TV.com. This template should be used exclusively for episode lists, typically for TV series. It is intended for use in the external links section of an article.
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]{{TV.com episodes|NAME||TITLE|SEASON|DESCRIPTION}}
{{TV.com episodes|name=NAME|title=TITLE|season=SEASON|description=DESCRIPTION}}
Search on TV.com for a show's episode list. The URL should look something like this: http://www.tv.com/shows/the-mentalist/episodes/.
- The "name" is the text shown in bold in the TV.com URL.
- This parameter is deprecated. It was the "id" number when the URL format was http://www.tv.com/the-mentalist/show/75200/summary.html. When using unnamed parameters in the template, the second parameter should be left blank.
- The "title" should be the name of the show, since this template should only be used on List of … episodes and season specific articles, this has to be defined.
- The "season" number is optional.
- The "description" is optional, it can be used for clarification when two shows with the same name exist. When using this the season parameter can be left blank, but it must be used.
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]Complete series
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]For the episode list for the entire series:
- http://www.tv.com/shows/the-mentalist/episodes/
* {{TV.com episodes|the-mentalist||The Mentalist}}
* {{TV.com episodes|name=the-mentalist|title=The Mentalist}}
- * List of The Mentalist episodes at TV.com
Season/series specific
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]For the episode list of a specific season:
- http://www.tv.com/shows/the-mentalist/season-2/
* {{TV.com episodes|the-mentalist||The Mentalist|2}}
* {{TV.com episodes|name=the-mentalist|title=The Mentalist|season=2}}
- List of The Mentalist season 2 episodes at TV.com
If the it is defined by as a series (UK, Australian, etc. format), add |series=y
- http://www.tv.com/shows/doctor-who/season-1/
* {{TV.com episodes|doctor-who||Doctor Who|1|series=y}}
* {{TV.com episodes|name=doctor-who|title=Doctor Who|season=1|series=y}}
- * List of Doctor Who series 1 episodes at TV.com
Use of description
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]For when multiple television series have the same name, place the description between parentheses.
- http://www.tv.com/shows/life-on-mars-uk/season-2/
* {{TV.com episodes|life-on-mars-uk||Life on Mars|2|(UK)}}
* {{TV.com episodes|name=life-on-mars-uk|title=Life on Mars|season=2|description=(UK)}}
- * List of Life on Mars (UK) season 2 episodes at TV.com
If no season is chosen leave it blank:
- http://www.tv.com/shows/life-on-mars-uk/episodes/
* {{TV.com episodes|life-on-mars-uk||Life on Mars||(UK)}}
* {{TV.com episodes|name=life-on-mars-uk|title=Life on Mars|description=(UK)}}
- * List of Life on Mars (UK) episodes at TV.com
See also
[ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ]{{TV.com anthology}}
{{TV.com episode}}
{{TV.com movie}}
{{TV.com name}}
{{TV.com show}}