ಮಾಡ್ಯೂಲ್:ISO 639 name
Documentation for this module may be created at ಮಾಡ್ಯೂಲ್:ISO 639 name/doc
require('Module:No globals');
local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local override_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639 override');
--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------
TODO: change to default hiding of error messages? show with with personal css override:
.show_639_err_msgs {display: inline !important;}
local error_messages = {
-- ['err_msg'] = '<span style="font-size:100%; display:none" class="error show_639_err_msgs">error: $1</span>[[ವರ್ಗ:ISO 639 name template errors]]',
['err_msg'] = '<span style="font-size:100%;" class="error show_639_err_msgs">error: $1</span>[[ವರ್ಗ:ISO 639 name template errors]]',
['err_text'] = { -- error messages used only in the code to name functions
['ietf'] = '$1 is an IETF tag', -- $1 is the ietf tag
['required'] = 'ISO 639$1 code is required', -- $1 is the 639 '-1', '-2', '-3', '-5' part suffix; may be empty string
['not_code'] = '$1 is not an ISO 639$2 code', -- $1 is non-code input; $2 is 639 part suffix; may be empty string
-- code to name functions and iso_639_name_to_code()
['not_found'] = '$1 not found in ISO 639-$2 list', -- $1 is code or language name; $2 is 639 part suffix(es)
-- iso_639_name_to_code() only
['name'] = 'language name required',
['not_part'] = '$1 not an ISO 639 part', -- $1 is invalid 639 suffix (without hyphen)
['no_code'] = 'no code in ISO 639-$1 for $2', -- $1 is 639 part suffix; $2 is language name
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.
local function is_set( var )
return not (var == nil or var == '');
--[=[-------------------------< M A K E _ W I K I L I N K >----------------------------------------------------
Makes a wikilink; when both link and display text is provided, returns a wikilink in the form [[L|D]]; if only
link is provided, returns a wikilink in the form [[L]]; if neither are provided or link is omitted, returns an
empty string.
local function make_wikilink (link, display)
if is_set (link) then
if is_set (display) then
return table.concat ({'[[', link, '|', display, ']]'});
return table.concat ({'[[', link, ']]'});
return '';
--[[--------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------
Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table.
local function substitute (msg, args)
return args and mw.message.newRawMessage (msg, args):plain() or msg;
--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ M S G >------------------------------------------------------------
create an error message
local function error_msg (msg, arg)
return substitute (error_messages.err_msg, substitute (error_messages.err_text[msg], arg))
--[[--------------------------< L A N G _ N A M E _ G E T >----------------------------------------------------
returns first listed language name for code from data{} table; strips parenthetical disambiguation; wikilinks to
the language article if link is true; returns nil else
local function lang_name_get (code, data, link, label)
local name;
if data[code] then
name = data[code][1]:gsub ('%s*%b()', ''); -- get the name and strip parenthetical disambiguators if any
if link then -- make a link to the language article?
if name:find ('languages') then
name = make_wikilink (name, label); -- simple wikilink for collective languages unless there is a label
elseif override_data.article_name[code] then
name = make_wikilink (override_data.article_name[code][1], label or name); -- language name or label with wikilink from override data
name = make_wikilink (name .. ' language', label or name); -- [[name language|name]] or [[name language|label]]
return name;
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ I E T F _ E R R O R _ M S G >------------------------------------------
assembles return-text (language code, language name, or error message) with IETF error message into properly
formatted readable text
local function add_ietf_error_msg (text, ietf_err)
return table.concat ({
text, -- code name, language name, or error message
'' ~= ietf_err and ' ' or '', -- needs a space when ietf_err is not empty
ietf_err,}); -- tack on ietf error message if one exists
--[[--------------------------< _ I S O _ 6 3 9 _ N A M E >----------------------------------------------------
searches through the ISO 639 language tables for a name that matches the supplied code. on success returns first
language name that matches code from template frame perhaps with an error message and a second return value of true;
on failure returns the provided input text, and error message and a second return value of nil. The second return
value is a return value used by iso_639_name_exists()
looks first in the override data and then sequentially in the 639-1, -2, -3, and -5 data
local function _iso_639_name (frame)
local args = getArgs(frame);
if not args[1] then
return error_msg ('required', ''); -- empty string doesn't specify a 639 part (hides $1 in error message)
local code = args[1]; -- used in error messaging
local lc_code; -- holds lowercase version of code for indexing into the data tables
local ietf_err; -- holds an error message when args[1] (language code) is in IETF tag form (may or may not be a valid IETF tag)
local name; -- the retrieved language name
local data = {}; -- holds one of the various 639 code to name tables
local link = 'yes' == args.link; -- make a boolean
code, ietf_err = code:gsub('(.-)%-.*', '%1'); -- strip ietf subtags; ietf_err is non-zero when subtags are stripped
lc_code = code:lower();
ietf_err = (0 ~= ietf_err) and error_msg ('ietf', args[1]) or ''; -- when tags are stripped create an error message; empty string for concatenation else
if 2 > #code or 3 < #code then -- 639 codes are 2 or three characters only
return table.concat ({code, ' ', error_msg ('not_code', {code, ''})}); -- return whatever is in code + an error message; empty string hides $1
data = override_data.override; -- first look in the override table
name = lang_name_get (lc_code, data, link, args.label);
if name then
return add_ietf_error_msg (name, ietf_err), true;
if 2 == #lc_code then
data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/iana languages'); -- this data used only for ISO 639-1 language codes / names listed there
name = lang_name_get (lc_code, data, link, args.label);
if name then
return add_ietf_error_msg (name, ietf_err), true;
for _, source in ipairs ({ -- loop sequentially through the other data tables
'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2',
'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3',
'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-5'
}) do
data = mw.loadData (source);
name = lang_name_get (lc_code, data, link, args.label);
if name then
return add_ietf_error_msg (name, ietf_err), true;
return error_msg ('not_found', {code, '1, -2, -3, -5'}); -- here when code is not found in the data tables
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ N A M E >------------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns first language name that matches code from template frame or an error message
looks first in the override data and then sequentially in the 639-1, -2, -3, and -5 data
local function iso_639_name (frame)
local ret_val = _iso_639_name (frame); -- ignore second return value
return ret_val; -- return language name and / or error message
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ N A M E _ E X I S T S >----------------------------------------
template entry point; returns true if language code maps to a language name; intended as a replacement for:
{{#exist:Template:ISO 649 name <code>|<exists>|<doesn't exist>}}
Instead of that expensive parser function call use this function:
{{#if:{{#invoke:ISO 639 name|iso_639_name_exists|<code>}}|<exists>|<doesn't exist>}}
on success, returns true; nil else
local function iso_639_name_exists (frame)
local _, exists;
_, exists = _iso_639_name (frame); -- ignore name/error message return; exists is true when name found for code; nil else
return exists;
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ C O D E _ C O M M O N >----------------------------------------
this is code that is common to all of the iso_639_code_n() functions which serve only as template entry points to
provide the frame, the name of the appropriate data source, and to identify which 639 part applies.
this function returns a language name or an error message
local function iso_639_code_common (frame, source, part)
local args = getArgs(frame);
if not args[1] then -- if code not provided in the template call
return error_msg ('required', '-' .. part); -- abandon
local code; -- used for error messaging
local ietf_err; -- holds an error message when args[1] (language code) is in IETF tag form (may or may not be a valid IETF tag)
code, ietf_err = args[1]:gsub('(.-)%-.*', '%1'); -- strip ietf subtags; ietf_err is non-zero when subtags are stripped
ietf_err = (0 ~= ietf_err) and error_msg ('ietf', args[1]) or ''; -- when tags are stripped create an error message; empty string for concatenation else
if (1 == part and 2 ~= #code) or (1 < part and 3 ~= #code) then -- 639-1 codes are 2 characters only; all others 3 characters
return error_msg ('not_code', {code, '-' .. part});
local data = mw.loadData (source); -- get the data
return add_ietf_error_msg (lang_name_get (code:lower(), data, args.link) or error_msg ('not_found', {code, part}), ietf_err);
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ C O D E _ 1 >--------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns first language name that matches ISO 639-1 code from template frame or an error message
local function iso_639_code_1 (frame)
return iso_639_code_common (frame, 'Module:Language/data/iana languages', 1); -- this data used only for ISO 639-1 language codes / names listed there
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ C O D E _ 2 >--------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns first language name that matches ISO 639-2 code from template frame or an error message
local function iso_639_code_2 (frame)
return iso_639_code_common (frame, 'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2', 2); -- ISO 639-2 language codes / names
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ C O D E _ 3 >--------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns first language name that matches ISO 639-3 code from template frame or an error message
local function iso_639_code_3 (frame)
return iso_639_code_common (frame, 'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3', 3); -- ISO 639-3 language codes / names
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ C O D E _ 5 >--------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns first language name that matches ISO 639-5 code from template frame or an error message
local function iso_639_code_5 (frame)
return iso_639_code_common (frame, 'Module:Language/data/ISO 639-5', 5); -- ISO 639-5 language codes / names
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ N A M E _ T O _ C O D E >--------------------------------------------------
template entry point; returns ISO 639-1, -2, -3, or -5 code associated with language name according to part (1, 2, 3, 5) argument;
when part is not provided scans 1, 2, 3 , 5 and returns first code
local function iso_639_name_to_code (frame)
local args = getArgs(frame);
if not args[1] then
return error_msg ('name');
local name = args[1]; -- used in error messaging
local lc_name = name:lower(); -- holds lowercase version of name for indexing into the data table
local part = nil or args[2] and tonumber(args[2]);
if part then
if not ({'1', '2', '3', nil, '5'})[part] then
return error_msg ('not_part', part); -- part is not an ISO 639 part
local name_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639 override').override; -- first check the override data
local code; -- place to hold the code if not a 2-character code
for k, v in pairs (name_data) do -- spin through the override table
if lc_name == v[1]:lower() then -- if name is found and
if part then -- when part specified
if 1 == part then -- if looking for part 1 codes
if 2 == #k then
return k; -- return 2 char code; don't care about 3 char codes here
else -- parts 2, 3, 5
if 3 == #k then
return k; -- return 3 char code
else -- part not specified
if 2 == #k then
return k; -- always return 2 char code when found
code = k; -- save 3 char code in case there isn't a 2 char code
if code then -- has a value if we found a 3-character code
return code;
local name_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code'); -- ISO 639 language names to code table
if name_data[lc_name] then
if part then
if 5 == part then
part = 4; -- part 5 codes are at name_data[lc_name][4]; there is no part 639-4
if '' ~= name_data[lc_name][part] then
return name_data[lc_name][part];
return error_msg ('no_code', {part, name}); -- no code in ISO 639-part for language
for _, v in ipairs ({1, 2, 3, 5-1}) do -- no part provided, scan through name's list of codes to get the first available code
if '' ~= name_data[lc_name][v] then
return name_data[lc_name][v];
return error_msg ('not_found', {name, part or '1, -2, -3, -5'});
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {
iso_639_name = iso_639_name,
iso_639_name_exists = iso_639_name_exists,
iso_639_code_1 = iso_639_code_1,
iso_639_code_2 = iso_639_code_2,
iso_639_code_3 = iso_639_code_3,
iso_639_code_5 = iso_639_code_5,
iso_639_name_to_code = iso_639_name_to_code,